He's Not Here With Me. I Understand.

Hmm, lately 'si dia' punya phone buat hal. And so kami rarely dapat contact :'( Perasaan aku? Sedih bila tak dapat contact dengan dia. Rindu bila dia tak ada untuk aku. Risau teramat sangat bila taktau keadaan dia. Almost 5 days aku rasa kami tak contact. Ohh! Bagus nya jadi macam ney. Naik tension. Hmm :'(

Baru 5 hari kot, belum berminggu! Berbulan! Bertahun! Hmm. Rasa macam bengang pun ada, tapi aku tak patut kan rasa macam tu? Benda dah nak jadi, apa boleh buat.

Kalau si dia terbaca post ney, then I'm sorry for feeling that way. I do understand that you're having a problem with your phone, but when I'm too missing you, too worry about you then I can easily act like I dont understand every single thing that happend.

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